I enjoy poetry in just about every form. Having spent 4 years in Latin I get a little tired of being exact sometimes, but I always enjoy the moments and enjoy the passion that words can insert into our lives. I am sure that sounds silly to some, but passion is an important part of life that can take us to new heights, and make us into better people.

With that in mind I find poetry and lyrics roll off my brain far too fast, and often with interesting outcomes. Tonight’s poem is being written right this second and will be as follows:

The world is out there every day, and I find myself just wanting to play
I play with people, places and things, a noun abounds on everything
I find the words to call a name, and find the places that are the same
I see the world though jaded eyes, born from me and a thousand skies
For when the world is here again, I will find my place and it will not end
For passion give me vision lost, and I will not see from the loves lost cause
I will abide and will live out each day, and show the world my passions play
and when I never lay down to sleep, I hope the world my passion will keep.

So what is in a word, perhaps passion can take us further, and somewhere in it all we can find a little slice of forever, right?

An Update:

Curious Cousin – OMG, I finished the last November, I need to put a stake in it.
Morgan – Intro complete. This will turn into a unique book.
Stealth Drive – Story Complete, just have to type it all out.
Burial Ground – 4 Inner chapters to redo, but this will be a fun little book if it isn’t insensitive
Yet Another Slice of Fear – Ongoing, bigger stories, better content. Expect completion end of September.

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