As we end out the year I wanted to share some highlights that were missed or did not get pushed enough. With that in mind may I present the pages promotions youtube entry for Another Slice of Fear!
Enjoy it if you dare!
Post Views: 573
As we end out the year I wanted to share some highlights that were missed or did not get pushed enough. With that in mind may I present the pages promotions youtube entry for Another Slice of Fear!
Enjoy it if you dare!
I am in my own way. I’m sure some of you have done this before. Gotten so many things going on that nothing seems to get done. I am right there in the middle of it right now. I thought I would give a little bit of a status for […]
There are a lot of things that you have to consider when you are a mentor or if you are going to be mentored by someone else. Mentorship is an interaction of personalities as much as prowess. No matter how technically adept a person is, a communication pathway has to […]
Many people ask me how to get started or walk up at shows and say, “I wrote a book!” but have not published it or put anything together. There are also numerous people who have partially written manuscripts or great ideas and they never seem to come to fruition. Does […]
The people I meet make me better. I wish everyone would take a second and learn that. It doesn’t matter if the people are better or worse, the people I meet make me better. With that in mind I can approach each day with positivity knowing I will learn from […]
This review will contain some spoilers; beware. I have established I read a variety of items, from Horror to Drama to Romance to Hot and Spicy Romance. I am currently reading several textbooks and quite a few novels in different genres. My tastes are nondescript. I will open with a […]
When I received this book, I was impressed with the sheer volume of the volume. It is a big book, and I expected an in-depth detailed read that would span a nice amount of time. I found that my time with this book was not spent reading, but instead contemplating […]
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