This book can be purchased on Amazon here.
This was a fast read that I had to reread for some on the finer points. The poetry was clear and succinct and full of random and powerful emotions. Many of the poems were focused on people, love, and the fires that burn inside so many people. Some poems were of random questions that haunted the writer. Still others questioned the core of humanity.
I have read a great deal of poetry. I was fascinated with poems and the intensity that a structured series of words can elate inside of a reader. I was more fascinated with how different authors approached poetry. From EA Gust to Poe the writer is often playful and working with different styles, meters, and forms to come up with their favorite, or switching simply because of the day.
Diana did very similar in that many approaches to poetry were tried along with multiple voices and many more meter, rhyme, and passionate wordplay. It works. Not because it is better than any other author but because it is unique and fulfilling. A reader can find a poem in Ideate Avail that appeals to them, their passion, their sensitivities or even their insecurities. It is all there, that and the foreboding statement “Clean Carpets Carefully”.
This unique read is more than worth the time and effort and may open your mind to the inner workings of a writer and a poet. In the process you might just see a little of yourself as you invade Diana’s inner feelings, accomplishments, and insecurities. Somewhere in the midst of it all it was there, a quote that was reminiscent of in An Adolescents Cry. It made me smile and I enjoyed the read.
For pure approach and passion I give this 5 Stars of 5. Enjoy the read and hold on to the feelings.